Wednesday 22 January 2014

Depth Field

 These images show the main focus. It has an image which the camera is mostly focused on and a little blur in the background. This is called a shallow or a small depth field where only a small part of the image is sharp and in focus. Depth of Field is the distance between the nearest and the furthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

The Use of Negative Space

The negative space in this picture is a brick wall. Most of  the image has been blurred a little bit other than the jacket, as the jacket is the main focal point. It has been dimmed a little around the edge to give it a little darkness to make the jacket stick out. The words around the image gives the audience more of an idea what the whole image is for. Negative space is the empty space around the subject or focus of the photograph. If the edges of the photo frame the contents within, and the subject is the focal point, it's possible that just about every photo can have negative space.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Leading Lines and Focal Points definition


Leading Lines: A leading line creates a path for the eye to follow. It usually starts at the bottom of the frame and guilds the eye upwards and inwards.

Focal Points: A focal point is the part of an image that draws the eye of a viewer to the most important  part of the image or the area that you want to highlight.

My images start from the top, and then makes the viewers eye go to the bottom of the image. The eye is automatically drawn to the doors or the sky then taken down. 

Focal Point and Leading Lines Images

Between these two images (above and left) only one of them is the correct leading lines. The image above is incorrect as there are many different lines, whereas the image on the left has many leading lines, it directs you to the image. This is the best as it helps the viewer see it better and it guilds the eyes to the main focal point, which in this picture is the door.