Wednesday 11 June 2014


For my assignment for street photography, I had to go out to Old Portsmouth and take photos of Juxtaposition which is when the act or placement of two things (usually abstract concepts) near each other. I try to make my images as professional as possible by keeping to the rules by making sure I don’t take pictures of children and if faces where in the images I made sure that I had asked their permission if I am able to use that image. I made sure that I also used my rule of third to get a good picture, this is a important compositional element and leading lines are placed on or near the imaginary lines and where the lines intersect. 

The only thing I struggled with was trying to find the perfect places to take the images. It was a sunny day therefore; the sun bounced off a lot of objects and kept getting in the way. Also, trying to find the things where Juxtaposition applied was not easy, especially as I tried not to get other people in the pictures, as I know they would not approve of it. Most things did go to plan, however some of the images I really liked I could not use as the pedestrians did not approve of the photos being used in a college project. However, other than that the photos turned out well and I am happy with it. The only thing I would change for next time is to write out a permission form for me to hand out to explain the situation.

I found it slightly difficult as it was something I had to stay on the look for and make sure that I didn't get people in the  image, just incase they wouldn't like it. The images came out nice, but I feel that if a had a nicer camera with a better focus the photos would have came out nicer.

However, I am happy with the way the pictures came out as they are a professional quality. They have many different techniques within them.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Factual Assignment- Street Photography

 1: Street photography is when photographer takes an image in an urban area.

2: As a street photographer, you need to make sure you capture the big picture, take a lot of photos and edit them (sometimes). Also, always ask permission for someone to be in the photo, especially when it comes to kids.
 3: A Decisive moment is about capturing the moment! A moment before or after a curtain shot wouldn't be the same.

4: Juxtaposition is when the act or placement of two things (usually abstract concepts) near each other.
5: When taking pictures in public, you should always be careful. You cannot take pictures of children as it would look wrong. You cannot take pictures of people doing there jobs such as, as policeman and security. When taking pictures in public is is a good idea to be confident and keep smiling because if people think that you are taking pictures of them for a bit of fun they will not be happy. You should always ask for permission.

Street Photos- Juxtaposition

Definition: Juxtaposition- Juxtaposition is when an act or instance of placing close together or side by side especially for comparison or contrast.

Here is an image of an old bridge going across water. In the background is also the green grass which is a different element in the image.

In this image there is the old fashioned phone booth, but in the background is a new, modern apartments. Which is showing the juxtaposition. 

In this image it is showing the old side of Old Portsmouth, with an old street lamp. However, it has the modern housing in the back and the modern post box.